Eilispäivän scifi on näköjään tämän päivän realismia
4 stars
Tämä tulee kyllä nyt ihan liian lähelle. Torment Nexus kuvattiin varoitukseksi, ei tavoitteeksi.
Ray Bradbury’s classic envisages a dystopian future in which the job of firemen is to seek out books and burn them. In this edition, introduced by Michael Moorcock, Sam Weber’s astonishing illustrations perfectly capture the novel’s haunting atmosphere.
In 1950, Ray Bradbury had a kernel of an idea for a story, and rented a typewriter in the basement of the UCLA library for nine days (it cost him $9.80). Dashing from the basement to the stacks to track down half-remembered quotations and typing at furious speed, in that short time he produced the first draft of an extraordinary novel. Serialised, widely published, adapted for film, theatre and even opera, the book, as Bradbury wrote, ‘seems to have a life that goes on recreating itself’.
Tämä tulee kyllä nyt ihan liian lähelle. Torment Nexus kuvattiin varoitukseksi, ei tavoitteeksi.
as distopias costumam ser associadas com um governo totalitário controlando uma massa de pessoas.
o que me interessa mais nesse livro é a construção de uma opressão por parte do próprio povo: o desinteresse por buscar conhecimento, que surge das mídias de massa, torna-os ignorantes.
o final da história é particularmente emocionante.
I had read this book a long time ago and remembered it as a difficult read - my english was not quite on the same level as it is today. When re-reading it now i was blown away. An amazing story paired with wonderful storytelling. After reading "boring" contemporary novels this was delightfully refreshing
Una novela infantiloide. Y no me refiero a los personajes, que viven en un sistema que los quiere idiotizados, me refiero a la forma en la que está escrita, parece un libro dirigido a niños o a gente de derecha (que ya sabemos que no le da la cabeza para mucho). Si quieres una buena distopía: 1984.