Dah života

Paperback, 224 pages

Serbian language

Published July 29, 2016 by Laguna.

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4 stars (2 reviews)

Sa svojih trideset šest godina, na pragu svršetka desetogodišnjeg školovanja za neurohirurga, Pol Kalaniti je otkrio da ima neizlečiv rak pluća. Jednoga dana bio je doktor koji leči umiruće, već sledećeg pacijent koji se bori za život.

Šta životu daje vrednost kada se smrti svakodnevno gleda u oči? Šta da činimo kada nam se život u potpunosti preokrene? Šta znači dobiti dete dok ti se sopstveni život gasi?

Pol Kalaniti je umro dok je još radio na ovoj duboko dirljivoj knjizi, pa ipak njegove reči i dalje žive da bi svima nama poslužile kao vodič. Dah života slavi život kroz duboka razmišljanja o suočenju sa smrću i o odnosu između doktora i pacijenta, a njen autor je nadaren pisac koji je bio i jedno i drugo. Bilo da nam je ostao dan života, bilo da nam predstoji čitav jedan dug ljudski vek, Dah života značiće jednu od onih nezamenljivih smernica …

27 editions

Review of 'When Breath Becomes Air' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

My first memoir and hopefully won’t be the last. Paul’s journey resonated strongly with me. His clear voice was accompanied by his sincere pursuit of meaning in this short wordly life. The book was poignant but lovely at the same time. Touched my heart throughout the entire read. Particularly the epilogue written by Paul’s wife Lucy. I would recommend this book for anyone who is searching meaning in their life.

Review of 'When Breath Becomes Air' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Paul's writing was clear and his story easy to follow. It moves somewhat chronologically through his journey, and while I enjoyed the book and appreciate what he was trying to say, I couldn't quite grasp why this book is as popular as it is.
He's a driven man, certainly ambitious, and comes across as someone who strives to be his best all the time, perhaps some of that seemed unreal to me, because most of us have frailties of some sort. It's like that person in a job interview who's asked what their weakness is, and they answer that they care too much about their work.