Too dry and so many lost opportunities to use pictures rather than words. She gave many statistics in text where a chart would have been so much more effective and interesting. Also I thought it would be an interesting mix of science and stories/facts/myths however the interesting stories only came at the end after an entire book about oyster farming techniques and I was bored by then so only skimmed. I was hoping for a Mary Roach type book but was very disappointed. Has almost put me off oysters too.
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2025 Reading Goal
8% complete! slamr has read 2 of 25 books.
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slamr started reading The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
We follow Esther Greenwood's personal life from her summer job in New York with Ladies' Day magazine, back through her …
slamr finished reading Silk & Venom by James O'Hanlon

Silk & Venom by James O'Hanlon
There are more than 50 000 species of spiders. They surround us in our daily lives and, contrary to popular …
slamr wants to read The dawn of everything : a new history of humanity by David Graeber

The dawn of everything : a new history of humanity by David Graeber, David Wengrow, David Graeber, and 1 other
A breathtakingly ambitious retelling of the earliest human societies offers a new understanding of world history
For generations, our remote …
slamr set a goal to read 25 books in 2025
slamr started reading Silk & Venom by James O'Hanlon

Silk & Venom by James O'Hanlon
There are more than 50 000 species of spiders. They surround us in our daily lives and, contrary to popular …
slamr finished reading Oyster From Montparnasse to Greenwell Po by Nicolette Stasko
slamr started reading Oyster From Montparnasse to Greenwell Po by Nicolette Stasko
slamr finished reading Abroad in Japan by Chris Broad

Abroad in Japan by Chris Broad
When Englishman Chris Broad landed in a rural village in northern Japan he wondered if he'd made a huge mistake. …
slamr started reading Abroad in Japan by Chris Broad

Abroad in Japan by Chris Broad
When Englishman Chris Broad landed in a rural village in northern Japan he wondered if he'd made a huge mistake. …
slamr started reading I'm Buffy and You're History by Patricia Pender
slamr finished reading The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
slamr started reading The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

Data and Goliath: The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World by Bruce Schneier
From the Introduction...
The bargain you make, again and again, with various companies is surveillance in exchange for free service. …